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Reading Glasses in Metal Tube, spring hinge  

 RT3177/3178 (metal frame w/ spring hinges, 100 - 400 w/ 25 degree step) Aluminum tube. come with display box



RT3177A: power assorted per display box (100 to 400).

RT3177B: power assorted per display box (100 to 275).

RT3178 is single power per display box (power from 100 to 400, in 25 degree step)



Metal frame readers in tube box, power from 100 to 400, in 25 degree step; 6colors assorted. 24 pcs per box

 RT2189: single power per display box; power from 100 to 400 degree

 RT2188: assorted power per display box 100 -275 degree

 RT2187: assorted power per display box 100 -400 degree


 Slim Reading Glasses – RB5189


  Pocket clip             

Lost your Tube Reading glasses but still have the tube? Our tiny , elegant, designer reading glasses series is slim enough to fit into any tube you have !!  Plus, it comes with spring temple and pocket clip you can easily clip onto your pocket or anywhere you like, so you will never lose them again!!  

we guarantee the lowest price!

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